MooMenn has made a handpicked selection of unique and fine accessories complying with the Sunnah accessories for Men, Mens Halal Accessories in particular and Modest Men accessories standards in general. We have a selection of Mens Docker Hats, Mens Beanie Caps and Mens Docker Beanie Hats, that combines the Islamic Hats for Men or Kufis for Muslim Men also referred to as Mens Islamic Caps, and modern hats or Docker Beanie Caps that really adds that Fashion and trendy look to the traditional Muslim Hats for Men 

We also have gathered some eye-catching Wooden Eyewear collections ranging from a Luxury Fashion Mens Wooden Eyeglasses to some sumptuous Luxury Fashion Mens Wooden Sunglasses, not to the mention the ultimate Luxury Fashion Wooden Watches that we have especially catered to complete the trendy Muslim Men look in all of his occasions.