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Is MOOMENN Expensive?


Occasionally, we receive emails from visitors to the MOOMENN website informing us that they feel that MOOMENN prices are too high. We are sympathetic to this point of view and try our best to make our Products available to everyone. However, MOOMENN Brands & Partners Are ethical designers and producers of high quality, contemporary Modest clothing; this naturally comes with a price. We have produced this short explanation in order to clarify what goes into producing high quality Modestly designed Products.

Ethical clothing

MOOMENN is an ethical, fair-trade Islamic company. MOOMENN is completely against sweatshop production, paying our workers above market wages and guaranteeing worker rights. In addition, MOOMENN strives to produce a religious work environment, where staff can pray regularly and grow spiritually.

Innovative designs

MOOMENN's Brands original designs specifically made with the Western Muslim in mind. Designing and creating original patterns requires a trained, gifted team of designers and pattern cutters. Our Head Designers are a graduate from the world-famous Parsons School of Design.

Quality and variety of materials

We only use the highest quality materials, mostly natural in origin, sourced from top producers all around the world. MOOMENN is the only Islamic clothing company to use such a wide range of high-quality materials, including fabrics made of wool, linen, cotton, Modal, and denim.

Quantity of fabric used

Our Islamic designs require a great deal of fabric in their construction. Fabric is the major factor in the cost of a garment. Our garments are all cut longer and wider than normal designs to allow a more modest fit. Islamic designs probably require about double the amount of fabric than the average design you find in a mainstream clothing store.

High quality production

MOOMENN’s garments are sewn and produced according to the highest industry standards. Any slightly defective garments are identified by our strict quality control process and sold separately in our defect stores in local markets.

MOOMENN uses a lean-manufacturing production process. This means our factory employees are trained in a variety of production tasks, as opposed to the highly routinized operations of traditional mass manufacturing. In addition, each employee takes responsibility for product quality as well as helps to make the production process more efficient. Benefits of this approach include higher employee engagement, better terms of employment, higher product quality, and faster delivery times.

You can find more information on how lean-manufacturing can possibly put an end to sweat shops in this article

Niche market

The Islamic clothing market is only a small, niche market, unlike the mainstream clothing market. Companies like Gap, Zara and Next sell thousands of pieces of the same style, which enables them to produce the garments in large, industrial factories at cheap prices. Islamic clothing companies like MOOMENN only produce small quantities of each style and this inevitably means that costs are higher.

We do hope that this explains clearly why MOOMENN clothing – although initially appearing costly – is, in fact, worth the prices that our customers pay. Here are some typical comments we have received from customers: