Gelegentlich erhalten wir E-Mails von Besuchern der MOOMENN-Website, in denen sie uns mitteilen, dass sie der Meinung sind, dass die MOOMENN-Preise zu hoch sind. Wir verstehen diesen Standpunkt und geben unser Bestes, um unsere Produkte für jedermann zugänglich zu machen. Allerdings sind MOOMENN Brands & Partners ethische Designer und Hersteller hochwertiger, zeitgemäßer Modest-Kleidung; Das hat natürlich seinen Preis. Wir haben diese kurze Erklärung erstellt, um zu verdeutlichen, was zur Herstellung hochwertiger, Modest gestalteter Produkte erforderlich ist.

Ethische Kleidung

MOOMENN ist ein ethisches, fair gehandeltes islamisches Unternehmen. MOOMENN ist strikt gegen die Ausbeutungsproduktion, bezahlt unsere Arbeiter über dem Marktlohn und garantiert die Arbeiterrechte. Darüber hinaus ist MOOMENN bestrebt, ein religiöses Arbeitsumfeld zu schaffen, in dem die Mitarbeiter regelmäßig beten und spirituell wachsen können.

Innovative Designs

Die Originaldesigns von MOOMENN's Brands wurden speziell für westliche Muslime entwickelt. Das Entwerfen und Erstellen origineller Muster erfordert ein geschultes, begabtes Team aus Designern und Musterschneidern. Unsere Chefdesigner sind Absolventen der weltberühmten Parsons School of Design.

Qualität und Materialvielfalt

Wir verwenden nur Materialien höchster Qualität, größtenteils natürlichen Ursprungs, die wir von Top-Produzenten auf der ganzen Welt beziehen. MOOMENN ist das einzige islamische Bekleidungsunternehmen, das eine so große Auswahl an hochwertigen Materialien verwendet, darunter Stoffe aus Wolle, Leinen, Baumwolle, Modal und Denim.

Verwendete Stoffmenge

Unsere islamischen Designs erfordern für ihre Konstruktion viel Stoff. Der Stoff ist der Hauptfaktor bei den Kosten eines Kleidungsstücks. Unsere Kleidungsstücke sind alle länger und weiter geschnitten als normale Designs, um eine Modestere Passform zu ermöglichen. Islamische Designs erfordern wahrscheinlich etwa doppelt so viel Stoff wie das durchschnittliche Design, das Sie in einem herkömmlichen Bekleidungsgeschäft finden.

Hochwertige Produktion

MOOMENNs Kleidungsstücke werden nach den höchsten Industriestandards genäht und produziert. Alle leicht fehlerhaften Kleidungsstücke werden durch unseren strengen Qualitätskontrollprozess identifiziert und separat in unseren Defektgeschäften auf den lokalen Märkten verkauft.

MOOMENN nutzt einen Lean-Manufacturing-Produktionsprozess. Dies bedeutet, dass unsere Fabrikmitarbeiter im Gegensatz zu den stark routinierten Abläufen der traditionellen Massenfertigung in einer Vielzahl von Produktionsaufgaben geschult werden. Darüber hinaus trägt jeder Mitarbeiter Verantwortung für die Produktqualität und trägt dazu bei, den Produktionsprozess effizienter zu gestalten. Zu den Vorteilen dieses Ansatzes gehören ein höheres Mitarbeiterengagement, bessere Anstellungsbedingungen, eine höhere Produktqualität und schnellere Lieferzeiten.

Weitere Informationen darüber, wie Lean Manufacturing den Sweatshops möglicherweise ein Ende setzen kann, finden Sie in diesem Artikel


Der islamische Bekleidungsmarkt ist im Gegensatz zum Mainstream-Bekleidungsmarkt nur ein kleiner Nischenmarkt. Unternehmen wie Gap, Zara und Next verkaufen Tausende von Teilen des gleichen Stils und können die Kleidungsstücke so in großen Industriefabriken zu günstigen Preisen herstellen. Islamische Bekleidungsunternehmen wie MOOMENN produzieren von jedem Stil nur kleine Mengen, was zwangsläufig höhere Kosten bedeutet.

Wir hoffen, dass dies klar erklärt, warum MOOMENN-Kleidung – obwohl sie zunächst teuer erscheint – tatsächlich die Preise wert ist, die unsere Kunden zahlen. Hier sind einige typische Kommentare, die wir von Kunden erhalten haben:


Based on 1130 reviews

Fast shipping, great quality, and fits perfectly, will be ordering more from here soon.

I love it. It goes well with the muslim sweat suit I bought. Will be ordering the white one soon

I have quite a small collection from moomen, high quality material all their products and fast delivery as well

QL Sniper Set Cargo Joggers and Longline Top in Black
Robert V.L. (Alphen aan den Rijn, NL)

Super mooie set. Ik heb er inmiddels 3 gekocht. Goede kwaliteit.

Bedankt voor je vriendelijke woorden Broeder Robert, en voor het delen van je positieve feedback en beoordeling! We vinden het geweldig om te horen dat je tevreden bent met de kwaliteit van onze Sniper Cargo Set en dat je de set zelfs in verschillende kleuren hebt gekocht. Jouw loyaliteit en steun voor MooMenn betekenen veel voor ons!

Nice and soft but....

Fabric have really nice and soft touch, well cut and sewn. Match the posture, true to size. There is only one on hood chest and shoulder is made of some kind rubber print. On pictures it looked so vivid as embroidery. When we opened box we had to unfold it carefully as print was sticked together and got almost peeled of in some places. Seems like "Fast fashion" takes podium everywhere....

10 out of 10

Walhamdulillah i bought this for myself and just wanna say it fits like a glove. For those who are tall like me 6 foot 3 it fits just right any taller and u may struggle slightly but im long and athletic build around 13 and half stone so i was a little worried about the length but the length is perfect walhamdulillah and i went with a large and that fits just right not tight and not to loose, just right so wanted to put a review for any who might be hesertating due to their height above 6 feet. Will deffo be ordering more in sha Allah. Black and dark grey and im set for ages. Quality is really good and even today in the cold felt warm and relaxed and even had an old english lady stop me and say "i just wanna say you look absolutely amazing" which made me giggle. Walhamdulillah

QL Etniz Set AWQAS in Khaki
Christopher H. (Bradford, GB)
Good quality

Good quality item the only criticism is its a little tight on the arms and i ain't no body builder with big biceps, i would suggest making the circumference of the arm opening a little wider where the embroidery is, I Did buy green and Burgundy both decent quality items.

Many thanks Brother Christopher, for taking the time to leave a 5-star review for our Etniz Awqas Set, we appreciate your constructive feedback regarding the fit of the arms and will certainly take your suggestion into consideration for future designs. We are so glad to hear that you found the Sets to be of good quality! Thank you for being a loyal customer and supporting MooMenn!


Super comfy, thick quality material too.
Can’t fault it.

We are grateful for your generous and valuable 5-star reviews Brother A.! Thank you for choosing and supporting MooMenn, we look forward to hearing from you again soon!

Relax bottoms

Awsome, super comfy !
Quality materials!

Thank you so much Brother A., for taking the time to share your kind feedback! We are pleased to hear that you are enjoying your purchase and find that our garments are super comfy and made with quality materials. It means a lot to us to read that our customers are satisfied, your support and loyalty are greatly appreciated!

Very good quality ! Very nice

Bigger than what I thought but I do like it . Good quality

Love it!

I bought this for my husband and he loved it as much as I do. It's so stylish yet because of the material it's casual. It just sits and fits well, looks great, and it's modest which is a bonus. My husband said it's very comfortable and he will be buying more.

Thank you kindly Sister, for sharing your positively amazing feedback, we truly appreciate your support! It makes us very happy to hear that yourself and your husband love the Sniper Cargo Set! It's great to know that the style, modesty and material met your expectations and that your husband finds it comfortable!

Simply Awesome

Quality, great fit, comfortable and stylish. So happy

Thank you Brother Paul, for taking the time to leave an incredibly positive and kind review! We are thrilled that you love the quality, fit, comfort as well as style of our Sniper Cargo Set, it brings us great joy to hear that you're happy with the Set. We appreciate your support and hope you continue to enjoy your purchase, thank you for choosing MooMenn!

Really nice colours

Great quality, snug fit,

Great outfit

It looks just like the picture. Size is perfect and defo looks expensive and stands out.

Thank you very much Brother Hamdi, for leaving such an amazing and kind 5-star review! We are so glad to hear that our Sniper Cargo Set met your expectations and fit perfectly. It is really nice of you to say that the outfit looks expensive and stands out, we greatly appreciate your support for MooMenn!

Love this brand. Great quality, fit and comfort

I like the quality and the model good .only the size is big for me🫣

QL Sniper Set Cargo Joggers and Longline Top in BLACK

This is my second pair so far. I wish to purchase the other colours but my size (XL) is out of stock. Please let me know when they're next in stock. I LOVE the material, look, fit and quality of your products.

Thank you so much for your great review Brother Peter, and for being a loyal customer, we appreciate your continued support! We are delighted to hear that you love the Sniper Cargo Set and have purchased a second. It makes us super happy to read that you are satisfied with the material, look, fit and quality! Thank you for your interest in more colours, we have sent you an email with restock information.

QL Etniz Set Menara in Black and Gold
Shahan A.M. (Seattle, US)
Excellent Quality and Design, but Sizing Could Be Better

I really love Moomenn for the quality of the fabric as well as design, but sizing was a bit off on this one. The pants were too short, and the vest was too long. I think for people who are tall.


I get awesome compliments all day long, even in Mekkah. Quality is top I highly recommend

Many thanks Brother Sam, for sharing your very kind feedback and for recommending MooMenn, we appreciate your support! It makes us extremely happy to hear that you find our Quds Kamisweat Thobe perfect and that you are satisfied with the quality. We are delighted to know that you receive many compliments!

Good quality clothes I love it. I recommended to my friend.

QL Lightweight Trousers CSD in Beige
Aemer L. (Dunstable, GB)
Great fit

Very comfortable, paired with a thobe

As we strive to provide the best for our customers, it is always a pleasure to receive such positive feedback and 5-star reviews from our valued customers. Thank you very much Brother Aemer, for choosing MooMenn. We appreciate your continued trust and support and look forward to serving you again!